Wednesday, March 16, 2005


OK - so I shared some very personal information with someone I am very attracted to and I'm not sure if I did the right thing in admitting some things in my past that I am not really ashamed of, because my past has totally created my future. However, I don't always share these intimate details of my life but sometimes the truth about ones self can only be told one way - THE TRUTH - PERIOD!
I think we all have a past, and if the truth be told, we aren't always willing to expose the most horrific or the most intimate things with people we love or care about for fear of how it will be perceived. In all honesty, I am a better woman because of all I have gone through and will tell the whole entire world about where God has bought me from and the victory I live in everyday as the result of His love, forgiveness and mercy! If it had not been for the Lord on my side, where would I be - where would I be?
I AM PROUD TODAY OF MY YESTERDAYS, TODAYS AND TOMORROWS no matter what anyone may think about me.

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