Wednesday, June 28, 2006


In my life, for years and years, I have looked high and low "for the one".
I drove away from Chicago, Illinois on July 1, 2000 looking toward my new future, but never really letting go of my past.

I was determined not to loose "you" - not by miles, thoughts, nothin - nothing was gonna make me loose you. You tried so hard to stay away, hunh?? I know you did. This statement alone - "YOU AIN'T GOIN' NOWHERE" has haunted me for years. It is important to know that I never really left you alone - not in my heart and not in my mind. My body is calling for you!

I am so sure that when I leave this world, as I have told you before, you will be one of the thoughts that goes through my final moments.

Where have we really gone? You have 2 beautiful children now and life has gone on for you. However, when I talk to you I still hear the sadness in your voice and I know you can hear it in mine. I always want you to hear it in mine!

Now for the good, yum-yum part! OK - i'm gonna find some pictures to make your head spin, my brothuh, but actually, I really think I would prefer you taking them of me. I can just feel the heat and that special "spin" you put on things and when I get home we will talk and walk and talk some more - ya feel me??

"YOU MOVE ME!!"- cassandra wilson


Saturday, June 24, 2006


I found out this week that one of the most important women that helped form my life passed from this life into the next. My Sweet Sister Rose Gentile, who formed my way of thinking about many things, my high school teacher of Sociology and the world at large, has died.

She was about 93-94 years young and had suffered for many years with cancer - notice I dont even give that thing a capital letter!!

She had to be one of the most robust people I have ever known. When I was Senior in high school at Longwood Academy in Chicago, she opened up a world to me of thinking and seeing the world in a different light - a different perspective, so to speak. I grew up during the turbulent 70's - we were hippies and Black Panthers,etc. and the world as we knew it was changing day by day. I attended an all girl Catholic high school, and we were gonna change the freakin' world!!!
Rose had a way of telling a story with verve and excitement - I could hardly wait to grow up and tackle the world outside of those cloistered walls!

She was from an old Italian family and Man, did she have - for a lack of another word - BALLS!!! I always would ask her why she never married and never had a pack of youngin's running around. She would've made a helluva Mom!! I guess in lots of ways she WAS a Mom!

Once, we went to a debate at Northern University in Dekalb, Illinois, and she asked us if anyone had a cigarette? A NUN ASKING US FOR SMOKES???? OMG!AND SHE DRANK A LITTLE BIT, TOO! "Nothing like a little Vino" she would say followed by that hearty laugh she had!WHAT A WOMAN!

Those days are long gone now, but her legacy of teaching young women to grow up, grow out and be the best you could possibly be will forever live in my memory!

We kept in touch over the years especially at Christmas when the famous ROSE CHRISTMAS LETTER would arrive enclosed in a cute card with the baby Jesus on the front. Her tales of what was going on with her in Chicago were infamous. Christmas just wasn't the same until I got her famous notes of Holiday cheer and good will for the new year.

NOW, SHE'S GONE. My heart is simply broken and my eyes feel the steam of tears that one sheds for a lost loved one.

I know that she has truly earned her reward for serving the Lord for almost her entire life. And for putting up with hundreds and hundreds of pubescent young women - THE LONGWOOD LADIES as we were called - she deserves and has earned sweet peace.

I will never - EVER - forget you, Sweet Rose.
You left your mark on my life for over 40 years and I will always try to be the Lady you taught us to be - Forever a LONGWOOD LADY!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Yahoo! Avatars Looking as cute as a little Summery and Sassy Sistuh that I am - I'M BACK AGAIN!

Big job interview tomorrow and I truly hope this is the one! Lot's going on in my space.....applying for a new job IS work! WHEW!

Trying out a new relationship - uhhhh - just trying, not doing! The one for me (you know who you really are) I'll adore you until the end of time. I don't care how long it takes - forever is only until tomorrow comes!

So, uh, how do I look in my simple yet very elegant trousseau? BON - BON!! OUI-OUI! hee-hee!!

Much love until forever, whenever it comes. As the song says, "YOU MOVE ME"!!!!